The Edinburgh Solicitors’ Property Centre (ESPC) have announced that Neilsons are one of the best Solicitor Estate Agency firms for customer service in East Central Scotland, following an independent Mystery Shopper exercise in January 2022.
Neilsons’ secured one of the coveted top spots as runner-up in the annual competition that all 140 ESPC member firms are invited to take part in and are the only firm to have multiple offices feature in the top ten this year for customer service.
The mystery shop exercise is based on ESPC’s annual market research results, and judges firms on how well they keep the prospective client at the heart of the property sales journey whilst taking into account client care, knowledge and overall pro-activeness of the firm, from initial website impression to call handling and greeting, establishing the client needs, providing up to date information on the market, suggested marketing of the property, fees and next steps and follow up experiences.
Neilsons have now been awarded one of the top spots for customer service by the ESPC Mystery Shopper exercise since 2017, with multiple branches continuing to rank highly year after year.
Ashley Mcinulty, ESPC’s Head of Member Services, who organises the Mystery Shop, said: ‘The mystery shopper exercise takes into account a potential seller’s journey and touch points, from initial research on the website, call and follow up. Along the way, the mystery shopper was impressed by Neilsons’ depth of knowledge, their willingness to help at every stage and provide a personable service. Well done team Neilsons!’
Claire Corrieri, Partner at Neilsons, said: ‘Neilsons have always regarded client service to be of paramount importance, so we are delighted to have once again scored so highly in the ESPC mystery shopper exercise. Since 2017, Neilsons have achieved one of the coveted top spots which demonstrates our consistency in delivering excellent client service. In addition, we are the only ESPC member firm to have multiple offices rank in the top ten mystery shop experiences this year again. This is a remarkable effort considering there are 140 ESPC member firms invited to take part – a real credit to our extremely talented and experienced property and legal staff who continue to put clients’ needs first.’
Book a FREE pre-sale appraisal with Neilsons here!